IMAGE (IMARA for Black Male Caregivers and Girls Empowerment) Heading link

Each year, 1 in 4 Black girls between the ages 14-19 years old contract a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI). Between 40-60% of Black girls experience sexual violence before the age of 18.
Families are responsible for communicating with Black girls about sexual and reproductive health. Strategies that strengthen family relationships and communication to protect Black girls have demonstrated success in improving Black girls’ sexual and reproductive health outcomes. IMAGE is a family-based HIV/STI intervention engaging Black girls and their male caregivers.
We partner with community-based organizations in Chicago to support Black families. To address this major public health concern, community engagement is essential.
The IMAGE project:
- Engages Black families, specifically male caregivers, in protecting Black girls’ sexual and reproductive health
- Collaborates with community-based organizations in Chicago to deliver IMAGE
- Supports the development of healthy Black familial relationships, and
- Facilitates community-based organizations uptake and future ownership of IMAGE